Senior Design Team sdmay22-31 • Spatial Crowdsourcing for Dynamic Settings
What is Spatial Croudsourcing?
The issue of spatial crowdsourcing involves three main components: tasks, workers, and a platform.
However, In dynamic spatial crowdsourcing, the workers and clients have a location associated with them.
In this case, workers are assigned tasks by the platform in real-time based on various possible optimization methods.
These methods may include maximizing total number of assigned tasks, total payoff of tasks assigned to workers,
and minimization of total time spent and distance traveled by workers.
The main objective of this project is to develop a system that will implement algorithmic solutions to the settings of
dynamic spatial crowdsourcing. Specifically, our system will attempt to optimize the number of tasks completed
within certain time limits. Time-permitting we may consider different optimization criteria such as minimizing
the time for completing a given set of tasks. Our system will target two kinds of users -
Workers who execute tasks and Clients who post requests for tasks.